sorry bunny

sorry bunny

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

free write

Alive and Waiting
There was a boy i once loved named Abe Hmiel. He taught me about R. Buckminster Fuller's book to the Children of Earth. His own girlfriend once thought him and me must be the original man and woman. On a swing set, past midnight, by the grandfather and grandmother tree, on the playground, by his house, where we would play in the middle of the night in our early twenties-

Then Abe grew up and he became a nano-scientist and he studied, for a few years, the hardness of things. He studied the hardness of diamonds. He told me something I will never forget. That, in order to study the hardness of something, you MUST observe and measure the bouncy-ness of that thing, and that value would lead you to a way of describing its hardness. hardness the absence of bouncy-ness, bouncy-ness the abscence of hardness, but in reality everything has both.

I am waiting I am waiting I am waiting for the bouncy-ness of whatever material my life is made up of, to resurface. become less hard. 

There is silence and scratching
a heart pounding under the ground
for these earth faeries/earth angels
bring our dream out of blood-root

Rot is not pretty. But rot is gentle.

and we do have to wait, a long time
but if we wait too long
it will eat all its sugar and die
and apparently this growth
has to be living