liver poster shed light caved in lung rib cage
it feels like I will be making time lines of bending pace inside my outlet from my vocal chords
the red light is drawn up through me and in the gruff of my belly is heated adding a coating of golden red lava glow through out my body
but when it reaches my throat it gets filtered through my mental cavity and spewn out like vomit down
some sort of bad and rancid recirculation method in which your past lives and future associations are warped up all tender, meat tendrils
falling ass-ward backwards on your spine-back you fall down
and your legs bend over each other
on the green grass with soft wet dried and re-wetted mossy soft thin spreads and folds of grass under grass under grass under garbage, old dolls, and raggedy ands, compost heaped in shred, eggshells and rotten potato pieces, smelling so much like falling shit, but oh yeah just real shit.
cats peeing and pissing and eliminating waste from the bowels
i sat on her grounds, out of my gourd, the shit touched the fabric of my blue dress which reminded me of rapunzel.
except with my ego, these days
rapunzel is me, miss merry mystic ... mother -
sounds solid saviour resting my head on your ledge
oh wait yes snow white wore a white dress
no a blue dress
it had that sort of diamond shape, i know only from acrhetypes
which i know well, and I will say it is all ego.
I fucking hate my ego so much i hate myself so much i hate my ego and my thought and the very way i show love
and no matter how much happiness or joy or peace or godskin covering me so warmly that it melds with my breath and my fine hairs that i KNOW how much love is me is you us all..
yet deep sadness reigns inside my heart.
If you would like to know what a heart split is,
torn all crimson velvet
so beautiful
and the divide
i know how hard it is.
Im not sure
its quite far
and maybe i really shouldnt be living in the pacific northwest
but i shed my latest and greatest effort here.
spoke he
so scared of being alone
all the same words recirculating and the negative space of my brain showing some signs of extreme paranoia in my membrain
some sort of symbolism and oh how easy it would be
fucking get along alright at home
home is where
broken wooden booth
i ache
i shower the scabies power
wish i could be absynthe greene white absent minded blank slate albino Powder magic
im again where magic is just leftover acid stewing in your brain
and no matter how many bags plastic
shimmering their sound in the wind
you find nothing
and its been
8 year since last time
but you really want to take another step into the unknown
the unknown of realizing there are no knowns
patterns and rhymes
and no phoning home
when it is all around you.
She curls up into a looooong ball. Her hands come down to the soles of her feet and she presses her palms smooth against them flat. Somehow feet feel so smooth and soft when you elongate your arms to reach your feet in parallel with your legs.
I softly hum inside my box and rub my belly
though i am a young child
i remember being a grandmother, an before that all, fading into a dream while giving birth.
sparkles things a scream would cover up
loud gun shots fire works.
I'm sorry jimmy for taking away your adolescence
laid it down
your face
on the asphalt
i'm so sorry jimmy
cracked your head open over a cracked egg
and i cant relate anymore
and yes
i am a nice friendly lovely lady
but unfortunately
I tied my shoelaces all the way up
and sipped the river
and zipped up my jacket it was cold outside
the medicinal mushrooms were missing from the cupboard that morning ellie
i put them just where you found them
my face was smashing itself like a hit deer on the run against the winshield wipers
we were going 25 in a 25 miles per hour zone in utah
and i dont think i will indeed get over it
did she bleed?
i can't remember
I eat dead flesh all the time
i suck your unused periods from their alien shell
little damn chickens
I have no relation to you
if there was a word for alien, it might explain the feeling of being tied to the earth and the moon, the sky, and the sun, and the trees, and the water, but to hhuman beings, only a supreme and bouncy addiction to their capacity for the expression of love
its simply magnificent
but im really bad at group dynamics and I think that I'm not allowed
into your part oF the circle though im quite content with my SPace here
afraid and eating out of toilets
gravel feels only a hard as the grit and the friction of it against your skin
is just the outer rim of what we all feel is a very big mistake of a practical joke
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