sorry bunny

sorry bunny

Thursday, January 12, 2012

haven for tulips

“I will literally pee my pants.”

“Mistress. If I rent out the hall.
Speckled. Fingered.”


She can’t tell and can’t smell.
A man has no race. A man has no religion.
I destroy woman. Only man. And all men. And Amen.

Especially I feel my species.

Species is a man who no one else must have sex with. Yet.
Undisclosed yet to be discovered body parts. Under long skirts. Warm
Flannel Logger Fashion Culture Wagon.
Off-the On-the wagon culture future measure.           

No sex for boys who think too much. No sex for psychosis machine. No sex for Christian children. Sex play gone. only shame corporation. By the time 8eight to 16sixteen before you’re gone out the door, and Inner Child tugs the long skirt. Reaches their hands underneath, burial growth. Dead man’s legs, not really there,
or there at all. Portions for forces, eh, no Idea why. Special Corporate.
Special corpse swing. Child loves swinging up high in the air. Reaches their hands from underneath tree tops to cloud tops like muffins. Open your eyes at the apex of that temporary

Broke chard

Sparkling in mirror land. One arm to the
Grain to the
Small tractor like toy car
John     wagner
Like flesh happy skin dancing mildly observing their own.

Hands as the reach maker speech poach master.

Holla the hipster. The holla.

Reach marker. Page.
Crouch down curb player. No loom around.
Hands swift write flick, black and forth, stand away. Walk away, long skirt .

Who reaches under?

Thou who has
Thous who has
Thou who has-- filled.
Thou who has caught, rim.
Thou who is
Thou who ill.
Defile him   self.
In string particles.     For forces.
Long hair and smooth   ____     hair.
A music-make fills my vocal.
Cha chacha   cha chacha   cha chacha        cha cha      cha.  Cha’cha.

No longer open mouth. No longer spread it all out. Yes now hold heart close. Okay to be protective. Algize and perthro.

To be
Sacred breath

But opened

Haven for tulips
Haven for tulips
Haven for tulips
Haven for tulips
Haven for tulips

Haven for tulips
Say it strong enough. go out in a cloud [to]

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