sorry bunny

sorry bunny

Saturday, February 18, 2012

20 minute free write

beckon closely strangers and round ye here knobs turning forth and backwards
pop made screws to turn clockwise and counter clockwise one does the trick the other does the job
and i forgot but lil loucy beckons sweetly and says
where is my heart stone bredth? beckins slowly
finger curls round lines
no lines
a line does not follow it falls
answer quite slowly
quite annoying
quite open
all of us are wrong

i make the blue jeans make the bread pan make the music noise candy rythm anger
rythm anger smells sweet grass on my tatse buds lenthgens allowance of ache measure
beats to the drone to hypnotize big eyes like the sun
so blinding and msiling you will never let herhimwe in
i beleive
i have faith
i dont care to know
beckons slowly
is the answer
to the gravel grade concrete marks on the stoned path textured unclean bathE ME
mother i allow you to purge
while i threaten you witha  better life sometimes i wish my stepmother would just croak
so my dad could be my dad again
but he can't
he can't take care of himself anymore
and god keeps holding him to earth so we can cry together

and god pats me on the back, you're so strong
but you really must learn to speak up for yourself without getting angry
or using words unclean unclear so foreigners do not reign over you heart when they confuse rules for freedom
limitations with liberations and
liberty with bortherhood
brother IS ME
brother is me


another surgery
but i dont ebleive in surgery i only believe in love

and blue jeans
really tight blue jeans
and childhood always
i will never grow up because i found out you don't have to
drink wine off the gourd magic go to another country
this landfill has no vacancy for vagrants
named frangrant
named light

i am only one man talking
one man flak
one man flux fux

hold no
make no
pray no...

fake ye young children knowledge wisdom and blood

this one the water
this one the wizard
this one the river
this one to deliver

fade ye young children
there is not truth

groggy breath
in the morning
yellow air
sweet warm sunlight through transparent curtain


warm honey

wasted herbs in a pot

beckons slowly

no politics
heart stage
cant explain wish you knew
how much i observe
how judgemental
wish i knew
what i saw
so close or far away
blurs on both ends
and ever micro fascia movement
absolved in the web of your awareness and how much you cover up
for my sleuth

how much my eyes fall out with the strings hanging down
as i collect them dirty
unclear more refined discipline
who am i to please this time?
i can't tell, which one i will betray?
im hungry cuz i can't go home i dont want to deal with my responsibility
does everyone know i will only say no if we know eahc other well enough for me to treat you like my own heart?
beckons slowly

makes meat
makes anger

melody rises
mealone is a dream

blanket statement

means makes no matter no sense
bacon. beckonslsowly

i am god.

corporeal parts beckons slowly say
show me
but i cannot
a cancer will grow
called body

they say smallness is a sign of health.

mark yourself
mistake yourself for a mother
have a baby why don't you
pay the rent
it's okay i so tnderly caress your face right now in my mind
my fonegrs dance on your skin
i love you
good morning
i love you
hello, good morning.         I LOVE YOU.


good morning.

i love you.

so godamned much.
isn't that the only thing i ever have to say?

so silence grows
beckons slowly.
made of baby's breath
i answer quite slowly
and hold my own withered moisture still
so i can learn to listen again.
about what you ever have to say.

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