When you've experienced being taken advantage of as a young naive person it makes sense to want to protect yourself from that kind of trauma. It's okay to feel like you need to be cautious and wary of people who exhibit the early signs of abusive relations. These are present in M. These qualities freak me out and appear in individuals extremely capable of subtle manipulation. Usually it begins with me unsure as to their sincerity and ends with me realizing that they had targeted my trusting nature, which I still have somehow.
The first sign is them carelessly taking control of how you both interact and asking you to submit to that whatever it may be.
Stay away from these secret psychopaths. Who will not care if you're hurt. And will persuade you that it never involved their own actions which were always malicious to begin with and had the intention of keeping you for themself in some way.
Stay away these peole are usually attached to ex-partners and will have you believe they love you. But they are just skilled at finding compassion in naive children who seek love so hard, and they will accuse you endlessly so from the beginning they remove self-blame so that later they can abuse you unknowingly.
Fuck them.
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