what kind of story am i weaving? is it still the one in which the lone star waits until the savior picks him-her up from seattle? while it is raining? What can I do? Lord.
play play the drums on corner edges of lips. play play be nice. anger.. what does anger get you? anger begets attachment? what does one such with eyes like mine do? pretend not to notice because, to notice without being able to hold(heard) that bird(love) in your hand without crushing it to death, would be a shame for the eyes to look at.
so dance your body. dance your brains out. dance your muscles. massage the dream.
look away and draw the attention to the points/wrists
move on axis
make arrows
sings into the sky
let the birds come to listen
walk with a rhythm
slop in the water
wear eye glasses and sun glasses if you need to
cover your body
pierce and color your body
learn to hold tall needles
pretend not to notice
until the movement of your eyes is all neeed ed for them to see
the invisible solutions to the mathematical endeavors
(which you and the universe hold in our bodies, in that flesh blood air earth)
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