sorry bunny

sorry bunny

Friday, December 15, 2017

The damage was done
I told them, before you were born.
I told them, I seen them, before
they was born.

mild mem mem mem mem ories

la boca noche arriba. the face, night up.
la noche boca arriba. the night, face up.( )

In this dream. You meet your soulmate. And the recognition disgusts him. So very much. That inevitably the dream ends and enters reality.
In this reality, two of your fingers are melted to each other.

You appear at night, heavy with sweat. The fine hairs on your arms are stuck to your skin. In fact,your whole bed is wet, as wet as it was after a major fantasy during your puberty on your purple sheets.

You came here to be honestly swept up in the physicality of earth.

You avoided the verbiage of your spirit before, and so, your body on earth, has a weak voice. It even sounds weak. You even have a cut on the base of your throat.

You even have a goiter.

Awaken in a purple bed, on a purple floor, in a purple apartment.

A long lanky lady sits and carefully smokes a long cigarette.

You wonder if she is real, or a facet of your being expanded into the outward environment.

You heard of words and wars and studied, previous to birth, and also was aborted about 7 times before you could become born.

You are a baby, you start to notice because the woman picks you up, in her arms.

A feeling of losing power overwhelms you and all of a sudden your voice rings wildly.

you shout, in your head. IM SORRYIM SORRY IMSORRY GOD please forgive me

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