sorry bunny

sorry bunny

Monday, January 18, 2016


hello world
today I am human.
(the computer i'm using stick fromtime to time are you okay with that??)

Hey dues and dudettes im here right now to write a list. a scriff of the wrist spliff of the jig kinda list about my dreams and goals

1. I'll work this job for at least a year
2. I'll see if a Montessorri certificate makes sense
3. I'll do STARS education uppers
4. Take college classes one a semester in Anatomy & Physiology 1 & 2, then Organic Chemistry 1, 2,3

in terms of creativity:
1.imgoing to work on sing songy sweet songs this week (Jan. 18 - 25
2. I'm going to research and plan my recipe for making lotions for skin care, for next month
3. I'm going to work on my poetry
4.T shirt ideas
5. Podcast with News
asking questions with the pendulum:

1.Lili: Am I going to move into the new version of the gnomestead