sorry bunny

sorry bunny

Monday, March 28, 2022

It's good to write almost every second of the day


It is good to write nothing 
and be nothing
and do nothing
and see everything

Like some chalk on the sidewalk

It's good to stare at the sun and be nothing
doing nothing
eating nothing
slipping away

New feet, old feet
calluses on your feet, calluses on your hands
directions curves taken so many times
you can see the grooves in the air from the last time

If you catch the right groove you can spin in circles
and it sounds like feet rubbing up against asphalt
it sounds like
it sounds


Somewhere up ahead

Oh hello blog. Hi there. it's been a while.

Hi there folks, I haven't written in a while and certainly have felt down in the dumps for what's felt like years now. I think I lost sight of my art a bit but I always held in there, always still creating now and then and in times when I was alone, and then, nothing again.

This is the first post of a new era.

We have to begin again.

What are we doing her and why? Answer: We are making the private public, and the reason is for liberation.

So that's what we are doing. Oh.