sorry bunny

sorry bunny

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ja'la walked o'er towards the county line. They did field a find of lines and mines. Where there were fields, and grass as high as life, on life. So they crossed and entered finding time. Time and space had fallen here. Now their armors disappeared, and left revealed, a set of spheres bent on free will. Will'd themselves into a grind, will'd themselves to set a path, will'd themselves to reach the grassy knoll of inter-dimensional abyssmal hole. And after set their spheres on ground to orb and lay absorbing found. For order obey and destroy a sound. For morbid obesity laid the shroud, heavy loud, bending fat, opening to gapes of "wow" and alll that.

How stayed and true their followers dew. How laid and brew the chyme & the stew.

At once approached, her hands on his throat, his hands on her goat head, his hands on her rabbit legs, the fur up a'curling in air, distraught only by the feathers on the bridge of her brow, covering up the I-Thou-Eye-Thou.

Looked, and entwined, in the mirror, above. Saw what was two had now become one. Touched all their hands and the spaces between--- had congealed and betwitcthed as one solid be-in'.
"What you doin' here?"
been. spin.
bean. sprout.

As vines do, Ja'la grew, as one being two.

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