sorry bunny

sorry bunny

Thursday, March 10, 2011

a day like you

[soundtrack to blog: I've Been Waiting For a Girl Like You"]

Yesterday I realized:
*****************************that in order to shue myself of my old masks I must come to meet in the middle*************
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^balance brings balance. I am air and fire and water quells both. If you want to call this feminine. I am attracted to the feminine. Wherever it may be, attracted to hte balnced submission, and equality is balanced dominance. Its as if by being bein in a non-dominating environment, I am able to be dominant to the degree that is healthy and balncing^^^^


they DO love you like I love you. :D

water washes us clean dirty
water washes soil to the brim of your lip
faith in good lips
soft and plush
and a soft crash of the wave
there is no slow wave of death
death to death to death to death!
raise up ye mighty fists and say,
DEath to DEath! To death! To death!
riding the slow wave of doom, I found myself upon the shore of green and the unseen fae
they my kindred brethern

the green shore is real stuff
real stuff is real eyes that see ing
does not have to include becoming

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